Why Playing It “Safe” Might Be Riskier Than You Think: A Retirement Wake-Up Call
Susan, a 52-year-old teacher, prided herself on her financial prudence. Over the years, she diligently saved $100,000, tucking it away in her savings account. "It’s safe," she thought, "and it earns interest." However, despite her discipline, she often felt uneasy about whether her money would last through retirement.
Retirement Savings Options for Small Business Owners
If you are a small business owner, establishing a retirement account is essential! Two options available to you are an individual 401(k) or a SEP IRA.
Both individual 401(k)s (also known as solo 401(k)s) and SEP IRAs are retirement savings plans designed for self-employed individuals and small business owners. However, they have some key differences that can make one a better choice for you than the other.
Retirement Housing 101: Affordability, Accessibility, and the Perfect Location
There are lots of decisions to make when thinking about retirement. Housing is a biggie, so let's break down what to look for:
First up, what can you afford? We're talking mortgage or rent, property taxes, insurance, utilities, just to start off. Making sure those costs won't cramp your retirement lifestyle is extremely important!
Social Security Simplified: Making Sense of Your Options
Social Security should be a comforting safety net, but let’s be real—it’s more like a tangled web that can leave you spinning. In this blog we will break down social security to make it a bit more manageable.
Finding Lost 401(k)s
You might be wondering, “How does someone lose a 401(k)?” Believe it or not, thousands of folks have retirement accounts they've forgotten about. Life gets busy, jobs change, and sometimes those accounts slip through the cracks. Learn where to search for those lost accounts!
Exploring All Your Income Sources During Retirement
Thinking about where your money will come from once you’re done working might seem a bit overwhelming, but don’t worry. With some careful planning and a diversified approach, you can look forward to a retirement that’s as vibrant and fulfilling as you’ve always dreamed.
Retirement Realities for Women: Start Planning Today
Retirement might seem far off, but for women, it's crucial to start planning early. We tend to live longer than men, so our assetsneed to stretch further. Plus, thanks to the wage gap and time taken off for caregiving, we might have less saved up than our male counterparts.
What are the risks for retirement?
Retirement is a stage of life that requires careful planning to mitigate various risks that can threaten financial stability and well-being. We examine the key risks in this article.
Visualizing my own retirement
Visualization has long been touted as a tool that works, many successful people credit this technique as a part of achieving their goals. Neuroscientists have long known that visioning works. There is nothing woo-woo about this. Professional athletes to CEOs have used visioning techniques for years. I share my personal visualization exercise in this post.
Picture Perfect Retirement: A Guide to Visualizing Your Dreams and Goals
Have you ever really thought about how your personal retirement will play out? Picturing successful retirement planning initially involves envisioning how you want your life to look like when you fully or partially retire. Here I share some important steps to get started on a vivid and detailed picture of your ideal retirement.
Women and Retirement: Navigating the Path in America
Let's dive into a topic that's crucial for all of us, but especially for the amazing women out there—retirement planning. Women face unique challenges when preparing for retirement and contrast their experiences with those of men.
Why Planning Your Retirement Income is the Ultimate Act of Self-Love
Ready to chat about something that's often brushed under the rug, but is absolutely essential: Retirement Income Planning. Picture this: you've spent your whole life hustling, chasing dreams, building a career, and living your best life. But then, the time comes to kick back, relax, and soak in the golden years. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, it can be if you've got your retirement income plan in place.
Building your retirement roadmap
I'm beyond thrilled to share the news that I've officially earned my RICP® designation! A Retirement Income Certified Professional® helps clients make the most of their retirement income and investments. I have the expertise to develop a personalized income plan that takes into account your unique goals, lifestyle, and risk tolerance.
Demystifying Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) — A Layman's Guide
What exactly is a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), and why should you care? In this layman's guide, we'll break down the concept of RMDs and help you understand why they matter for your retirement.
Maximizing Your Retirement Savings: The Roth 401(k) Advantage
Investing in a Roth 401(k) can be a smart financial decision for several reasons. Also note, most companies' 401(k)s now offer both pre-tax and post-tax options.