Why Playing It “Safe” Might Be Riskier Than You Think: A Retirement Wake-Up Call

Susan, a 52-year-old teacher, prided herself on her financial prudence. Over the years, she diligently saved $100,000, tucking it away in her savings account. "It’s safe," she thought, "and it earns interest." However, despite her discipline, she often felt uneasy about whether her money would last through retirement.

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Finding Lost 401(k)s

You might be wondering, “How does someone lose a 401(k)?” Believe it or not, thousands of folks have retirement accounts they've forgotten about. Life gets busy, jobs change, and sometimes those accounts slip through the cracks. Learn where to search for those lost accounts!

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Exploring All Your Income Sources During Retirement

Thinking about where your money will come from once you’re done working might seem a bit overwhelming, but don’t worry. With some careful planning and a diversified approach, you can look forward to a retirement that’s as vibrant and fulfilling as you’ve always dreamed.

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